Lunes y Martes!

As with every day in Barcelona, the past two days were amazing! On Monday we had classes as usual, and then in the evening part of the group went on a walk in the Passieg de Gracia, so that we could see some of Gaudi's houses lit up at night. It was a great night and everyone had a ton of fun!
Me and Fletcher on the walk to the Gaudi house
Casa Batllo lit up at night!
Me and SophieD in front of La Perdiera
La Perdiera, we're going there tomorrow
Me and Robert (our counselor) are twins!
Today we went to the FC Barcelona stadium, it was so cool to see where the team plays their games, we even got to go on the field! We had our major classes in the afternoon but since it was such a beautiful day we went to the beach! We went out for dinner at a buffet restaurant, I ate so much!
The stadium
Messi's jersey and cleats, plus the ball that scored FC Barcelona's 5000th goal!
Me and Sophie J. in front of the field!
The team's motto, it means, "More than a club"
Sophie and Erika were pretty tired on the subway back
A picture of me and Sophie J. with Lionel Messi is soon to come!