Los Dias Pasados...

As I spend more time here in Barcelona I continue to be amazed by the beauty of the city, and the areas surrounding it. We have been up to so many exciting things the past few days and time here is flying.
On Thursday we went to Plaza Reial, which is right off Las Ramblas, it was great to be in such a lively area of the city where there is so much going on.
(One of the first things that Gaudi designed was this lamp post in La Placa Reial)
Then on Friday we had classes as usual, and then we had Salsa lessons! It was so fun but I have no pictures because I was too busy dancing :). We are having another lesson
next week and then we are going to go out dancing as a group.
Saturday, we went on a day trip. We went to a town called Figures Spain and saw the Dali Museum.
Is it a woman or Abe Lincoln?
When you look through a magnifying glass it looked like a face, but if you didn't then this looked like a living room.
After the museum we headed to yet another beautiful beach for a little while.
Today we went to see Harry Potter!! I was so excited to see it and the movie was amazing! Here we are right before we saw the movie.